Saturday, 5 March 2011

Upcoming Exhibition Dates

Paul's ironing board layout, 'BIGINNOR ROAD', is attending the Brierfield St Luke's Exhibition on Saturday and Sunday, March 12th-13th.

The Group layout 'HEATH END' is attending Scalefour North on Saturday and Sunday April 9th-10th.

Roger's Random Reflections

Here are some of Roger's photographs of Heath End, Fulham Imperial Road, and some old guys playing [and mending] trains!

Heath End, the Circle Line

Fulham Imperial Road:

The Goods Warehouse

An unloading Vignette

Red London Bus plus an Wizardly interloper!

The complete layout

A Salty Dog, Eric!

2 Erstwhile regulars, Graham and the other Roger

Repairing in-transit damage - Paul